Tell me why game tyler
Tell me why game tyler

Alyson has lived in the area, being raised by one of the responding police officers. A decade or so later, they are reunited to sell their childhood home. We eventually learn that this child is one of the Ronan twins, who were separated after the night of this event. I killed my mother.” And then we see the title screen.

tell me why game tyler

Eventually the officer is able to coax the child to say the following: “My mom tried to kill me, so… so I stabbed her. The opening of this game starts with a child being questioned in an interrogation room. Of course, you could always just go play the game instead, which is what I’d recommend. But I’ll do my best to spoil as little as possible. Okay, I can’t talk about this without spoilers because, well, it’s a mystery game. And I mean that in the best way possible. Of course, leave it to DONTNOD to use the pretense of a mystery game to explore identity, transgender acceptance, anxiety, complicated family relationships, mental health and its criminalization in American society… Oh yeah, prepare to be emotionally devastated. In particular, the twins find themselves uncovering new information about the circumstances of their mother’s death.

tell me why game tyler

As you might expect, the pair spends much more time exploring childhood memories than they do sorting through furniture.

tell me why game tyler

In Tell Me Why, you play as twins Alyson and Tyler Ronan, who are endeavoring to clean out their childhood home after some extended time apart.

Tell me why game tyler